Here you can find Chemistry Chapter Wise Test PDF Urdu Medium of 10th class in a single file. E10am preparation is currently underway in 2019-2020. It was important to bring such important tests for dear students. For all subjects, you can find the best tests in the chapter-wise half-book and full-book series.
We try to provide all 10th grade tests for both English and intermediate level Urdu students. There is no need to search here because the entire e10am for class 10 is available in one place. Chemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Chemistry, English, Urdu, Islamic Studies, Pakistani Studies and Computer Science, Domestic Science.
Are you trying to simplify your Chemistry research? But do you still want to know heavy words? Ne10t, you need to report that you are coming to the implementation of the idea. This is because on this page a useful and important note on the tenth class of Chemistry is presented. These notes are revised editions of te10tbooks. there is nothing new. All concepts are the same, but in simplified form. Chemistry is a subject which is completely related to life and life as an object. The subject of this science studies the question of how life arises and how well it survives. It is true that learning about life is not easy. Life is a combination of different elements. If these elements become desperate, then life will die. Yes, yes, these are simple words, but these simple words take centuries to e10plain. Then return to the topic. Education is the foundation of Chemistry in class 10. These are very important to learn the basics. Because they lead the best journey to higher education. Ne10t, these basic concepts can be covered through these biological notes presented in the PDF available here.
Download the tenth Chemistry class from here
Chemistry 10th class full book half and chapter by chapter test
Class 10 biological tests for the entire book in a single file. A chapter-by-chapter test of a tenth grade Chemistry book. These tests are for students in 10 science groups.
Better test documentation for best preparation for final e10am. As these are complete, e10cellent, effective proof documents for class 10 of all subjects. Media in both English and Urdu.
Chapter 10 Chemistry chapter wise test pdf urdu medium
This website is about SED School Education Department News and updates & Get Free AIOU Solved Assignments for various classes FA, BA, MA, B.Ed, M.Ed, Educator Info, Teachers Info, SED news. etc...
Friday, January 31, 2020
10th class chapter wise physics test pdf download
Here you can find 10th class physics chapter wise test pdf Urdu medium in a single file. Exam preparation is currently underway in 2019-2020. It was important to bring in these kinds of important tests for dear students. For all subjects, you can find the best tests in the chapter-wise half-book and full-book series.
We strive to provide all 10th class tests for both English and intermediate-level Urdu students. There is no need to search here because the complete test for the tenth class is available in one place. physics, chemistry, mathematics, physics, English, Urdu, Islamic studies, Pakistani studies and computer science, household science.
Are you trying to simplify your physics research? But do you still want to know heavy terms? Next, you need to report that you are approaching the implementation of the idea. This is because a useful and important note on the tenth class of physics on this page has been presented. These notes are modified versions of textbooks. There is nothing new. All concepts are the same, but in a simplified form. physics is a subject that is completely related to life and life as an object. The subject of this science studies the question of how life arises and how well it survives. It is true that learning about life is not easy. Life is just a composite of various elements. If these elements become desperate, life will die. Yes, yes, these are simple words, but it takes centuries to explain these simple words. Then return to the subject. In the tenth standard of education, the foundation of physics is education. These basics are too important to learn. Because they lead the best trip to higher education. Next, these basic concepts can be covered through these biological notes presented in the PDF available here.
Download the tenth physics class from here
physics 10th grade full book half and chapter-by-chapter test
Tenth class biological tests for the whole book in a single file. A chapter-by-chapter test of the tenth class physics book. These tests are for students in 10 science groups.
Better test documentation for the best preparation of the final exam. As these are complete, excellent, effective proof documents for the tenth class of all subjects. Media in both English and Urdu.
Chapter 10 physics Chapter Wise Test pdf Urdu Medium
We strive to provide all 10th class tests for both English and intermediate-level Urdu students. There is no need to search here because the complete test for the tenth class is available in one place. physics, chemistry, mathematics, physics, English, Urdu, Islamic studies, Pakistani studies and computer science, household science.
Are you trying to simplify your physics research? But do you still want to know heavy terms? Next, you need to report that you are approaching the implementation of the idea. This is because a useful and important note on the tenth class of physics on this page has been presented. These notes are modified versions of textbooks. There is nothing new. All concepts are the same, but in a simplified form. physics is a subject that is completely related to life and life as an object. The subject of this science studies the question of how life arises and how well it survives. It is true that learning about life is not easy. Life is just a composite of various elements. If these elements become desperate, life will die. Yes, yes, these are simple words, but it takes centuries to explain these simple words. Then return to the subject. In the tenth standard of education, the foundation of physics is education. These basics are too important to learn. Because they lead the best trip to higher education. Next, these basic concepts can be covered through these biological notes presented in the PDF available here.
Download the tenth physics class from here
physics 10th grade full book half and chapter-by-chapter test
Tenth class biological tests for the whole book in a single file. A chapter-by-chapter test of the tenth class physics book. These tests are for students in 10 science groups.
Better test documentation for the best preparation of the final exam. As these are complete, excellent, effective proof documents for the tenth class of all subjects. Media in both English and Urdu.
Chapter 10 physics Chapter Wise Test pdf Urdu Medium
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
STSI Laptop / tabs and Scholarship Scheme 2020-21 (phase1)
STSI Laptop / tabs and Scholarship Scheme 2020-21 (phase1)
STSI Laptop / Tabs & Scholarships 2020-21 Scheme Session Standard Test Service Islamabad is offering a consultation of the 2020-2021 Scholarship / Laptop Plan for university students domiciled in Punjab of Matric, Intermediate and DAE university students.
Application process
You can only entertain software online. Offline application will now not be accepted.
Eligibility criteria for applicants
middle pass student can apply
Matric students (ninth, tenth) may apply
Intermediate (eleventh, twelfth) Students may apply
DAE university students can apply
A candidate must have Punjab Domicile / B-Form
Scholarship Program / Laptop
Total of 250 scholarships (ten thousand rupees in 365 days)
Total 250 laptops
All scholarships and laptops can be granted on a provisional basis.
If a candidate wants to follow the Scholarship and Laptop scheme for each one. He / She must observe one after another for both.
Only shortlisted candidates may be eligible for the check and interview.
TA / DA will not be eligible for Test / Interview.
Laptop / TAB & Scholarship 2020-21 (PHASE-I) Last application date 24-01-2020
Laptop Scholarship Phase-I Session 2020-21 Advertisement
Apply for a laptop and a 2020-21 scholarship (PHASE-I)
Test date: 04-04-2020
Date of the test:
Sunday, April 5, 2020
STSI now presents scholarships (500) and laptops (250) to the university students of FSC (11 and 12) and DAE of the medium (ninth and tenth twelfth) based on merit after the successful final result of the Entrance Test.
STSI OFFERS SCHOLARSHIPS / PORTABLE SCHEME SESSION 2020-21 (PHASE-I) section 9, tenth) Students may observe
Intermediate (11, 12) Students can observe
DAE university students can observe
A candidate must have Punjab Domicile / B-Form
Scholarship Program / Laptop
All scholarships and laptops can be granted on a provisional basis.
If a candidate wishes to practice the Scholarship and Laptop scheme for each one. He / She must observe one at a time for both
Proof of admission to district centers.
The test of access to the curriculum is relevant to the degree.
STSI Laptop / Tabs & Scholarships 2020-21 Scheme Session Standard Test Service Islamabad is offering a consultation of the 2020-2021 Scholarship / Laptop Plan for university students domiciled in Punjab of Matric, Intermediate and DAE university students.
Apply for Laptop & Scholarship 2020-21 (PHASE-I)
Bank Challan :MCB
Bank Challan :HBL
Application process
You can only entertain software online. Offline application will now not be accepted.
Eligibility criteria for applicants
middle pass student can apply
Matric students (ninth, tenth) may apply
Intermediate (eleventh, twelfth) Students may apply
DAE university students can apply
A candidate must have Punjab Domicile / B-Form
Scholarship Program / Laptop
Total of 250 scholarships (ten thousand rupees in 365 days)
Total 250 laptops
All scholarships and laptops can be granted on a provisional basis.
If a candidate wants to follow the Scholarship and Laptop scheme for each one. He / She must observe one after another for both.
Only shortlisted candidates may be eligible for the check and interview.
TA / DA will not be eligible for Test / Interview.
Laptop / TAB & Scholarship 2020-21 (PHASE-I) Last application date 24-01-2020
Laptop Scholarship Phase-I Session 2020-21 Advertisement
Apply for a laptop and a 2020-21 scholarship (PHASE-I)
Test date: 04-04-2020
Date of the test:
Sunday, April 5, 2020
STSI now presents scholarships (500) and laptops (250) to the university students of FSC (11 and 12) and DAE of the medium (ninth and tenth twelfth) based on merit after the successful final result of the Entrance Test.
STSI OFFERS SCHOLARSHIPS / PORTABLE SCHEME SESSION 2020-21 (PHASE-I) section 9, tenth) Students may observe
Intermediate (11, 12) Students can observe
DAE university students can observe
A candidate must have Punjab Domicile / B-Form
Scholarship Program / Laptop
All scholarships and laptops can be granted on a provisional basis.
If a candidate wishes to practice the Scholarship and Laptop scheme for each one. He / She must observe one at a time for both
Proof of admission to district centers.
The test of access to the curriculum is relevant to the degree.
Monday, January 20, 2020
AIOU Workshop Schedule 2020 download
The schedule for the AIOU Spring Fall Classroom workshop at Label Open University for 2020 can be found on this page of B.Ed. / M.Ed. BA / BSc, MA / MSc programs. If you have enrolled in this university for distance education, we inform you that the actual campus of the university in your area will organize a workshop where you can visit to get help to view prices and get details of the entire semester. If you are also enrolled in this university, we inform you that officials will publish the AIOU workshop calendar in the spring of 2020, in addition to the AIOU workshop calendar in the fall of 2020 to help you with your studies during your session. . All you need to do is follow this page because once the schedule of the Open University Workshop is announced, it will be downloaded here. After that, you can download it from this page in PDF online
The admission course for the spring semester starts at Allama Iqbal Open University in June. Therefore, the AIOU for Spring 2020 workshop calendar will be announced few days before lessons start. It is imperative that all students try this party and bring at least Rs. 500 along the snack. Probability, direct, summary of the entire session, instructions on how to find it
The Fall 2020 semester will start in September and October, and the AIOU Fall 2020 workshop calendar will begin a few days before the admission application system begins again. Therefore, until the officials publish the AIOU 2020 workshop calendar, they only have to follow this page because once they are announced they will be loaded here on this page. You can click on the following link to see your schedule
Therefore, the full details of the agenda of the open-label university workshop Iqbal AIOU 2020 Spring Fall have been announced here. I hope you've got all the details of what you're looking for, but in the event of additional help or frequently asked questions, you can leave your comment in the following comments section and we'll get back to you here on this page.
AIOU Admission 2020 for Matric FA, B.A, MA, MSc, M.Phil application form download
AIOU Admission 2020 for Matric FA, B.A, MA, MSc, M.Phil application form download
The Allama Iqbal Open University AUU announces its admission in the spring / fall semesters of 2020. Students seeking admission to the Allama Iqbal Open University today have the opportunity to enroll in 2020, as admission is recently announced in the semester of spring. The application form was updated for Admission Spring 2020. Download only the application form for your desired program and then complete the application form. Make and send all these documents to the headquarters of aiou. Once your admission process is complete, you will receive books (courses) very soon, as the Department of Internal Affairs will send the books to your home address.
Your registration times and dates are also provided on this page. You must submit an application before the deadline, as you will receive a double enrollment fee only after the deadline. Admission to the University of Allama Iqbal 2020 Fees The structure for each course receives a new standard every year. Allama Iqbal Open University is one of the largest distance education universities in Pakistan that offers an international education system and now offers several programs such as MSc, M.Com, BSc Honors Program, Commonwealth Education. There are also BA, MPA and MA.
Spring admission 2020 Metric Inter FAB BAd Become an MA Med form and deadline to apply online
Admission procedure
based on a modified semester system. The academic year is divided into two semesters, namely spring and autumn. The general management and the practical courses are taught every semester. Doctorate, M. Phil, MSc / MA and teacher education programs, that is, PTC, CT, B Ed. M. Ed. Announcements are made once a year. Each semester study period is usually 18 weeks, plus two or two weeks for exam preparation. Admissions are made twice a year.
AIOU Admission 2020 for Matric FA, B.A, MA, MSc, M.Phil Schedule
Aiou Books For B.Ed All Codes Download Pdf
Aiou Books For B.Ed All Codes Download Pdf. The AIOU books are the most important part of the Allama Iqbal Open University educational system. AIOU books are the tools through which you can observe the course line during the semester. AIOU and AIOU Books also address the cause of serving the masses through a platform in which they can easily participate without leaving their homes and jobs.
In its early years, Allama Iqbal Open University was an effective institution, but in the modern era of technology, it has become the voice of thousands of students. Today, people can fully trust and depend on AIOU to fulfill their education mission without going to college and without attending any class.
Table of Contents
Aiou Books: Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) Books Information 2020
What are the AIOU books?
Why are AIOU books important?
How to get books from AIOU?
If you don't get the AIOU books?
Can you buy AIOU books on your own?
The scope, as well as the progress of the university, is improving with each passing year and, of course, the AIOU Books are its effective function quite well. The trip started by the Allama Iqbal Open University at that time has been very successful during all those years and the AIOU Books are the direct bridge between the University and the students. Students can count on AIOU books and must do so since they have the official status of the institution.
What are the AIOU books?
The AIOU books are the source of the difficult way to cover the University's study program that ends during each semester. The AIOU has a program of studies to cover and follow during the different semesters and, therefore, offer students AIOU books to study during the current semester.
These are the AIOU books that contain the exercise, in the end, to do a task solving that exercise. You can find the complete structure of all the questions of the assigned exercise in the AIOU books.
You can easily get help from AIOU Books to complete your assigned task and send it to the designated tutor before the closing date. The tutor verifies his work closely and decides how well he uses the information in the AIOU books and assigns his notes.
Why are AIOU books important?
The books of AIOU are, without doubt, the most important part of the education of the Open University Allama Iqbal. AIOU books are the only guide students can solve to solve their assigned activity. Without AIOU Books, you cannot pass the resolution line of the assigned fiscal year. You drive the AIOU Books to cover the program of each semester of the AIOU.
It is a well established fact that in the field of study you are always obliged to follow the described course, so that you can gradually solve several exercises. The same goes for the educational policy of the Allama Iqbal Open University and, therefore, here the AIOU Books are very important.
In the AIOU Book Course, you will find the gradual development of thoughts that is useful in the exam process. Tutors always verify students' ability to understand any subject and that understanding develops in students when they study AIOU books extensively. The following are the points that highlight the importance of the AIOU books.
The AIOU books are the first guiding force he received after enrolling in the Allama Iqbal Open University.
The AIOU books are the only tool that covers the different areas of the curriculum.
Without AIOU Books you cannot trust anything else to get help.
With the help of AIOU Books, students will be able to keep in touch with the actual study process.
The AIOU books are designed in such a way to address the activities of a practical approach.
The social perspective, as well as the practice of the AIOU books, help students to get actively involved in the tilt process.
The AIOU books are very easy to understand and, therefore, even ordinary students do not encounter any difficulties during their study.
The AIOU books are simply designed to cover all questions of the assigned exercise.
The assignment made by students based on the AIOU books can ensure maximum score.
The AIOU books are equally famous in the hearts of the tutors and prefer the direct guideline taken from the AIOU books.
How to get books from AIOU?
Getting the AIOU books on time always remains a concern for students who are enrolled in AIOU. Different people have different speculations about the process of obtaining AIOU books before the closing date
*All B.ED BOOKS in soft*
You can get soft copy of B.Ed books by following link
Aiou Books For B.Ed All Codes Download Pdf
Sunday, January 19, 2020
PEC Class 8th Roll No Sllips for 2020 Exam download pdf
PEC Class 8th Roll No Sllips for 2020 Exam download pdf.
Roll number slips of Grade 8 students for PEC Exams 2020 have been issued. It is requested to ensure timely printing and disbursement of Roll number slips with instructions and date sheet (to be printed at back side) to schools and students. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
You can contact your nearest Exam Cluster Centers
Note: Please find attached INSTRUCTIONS/DATE SHEET to be printed at back side of roll number slips.
Printing Instructions:
Kindly follow these instruction for printing of roll number slips.
- Under Print Roll Number Slips option, select Exam Center and School to get students.
- Use Print All to print roll number slips of all students, or select Print option against individual student.
- From Printers list, save file in PDF format and set page size to A4.
- Date sheet and instructions to be printed at the back side of roll number slips can be downloaded from following link:
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The dangers of war in the Middle East and the role of Pakistan
The situation in the Middle East is tense after the death of Iranian general Qasim Sulaimani in the US drone strike, Iran announced revenge from the United States and in this regard Iran launched missile attacks on US bases, which Iranian media claimed. That same American soldier was killed, and we later denied by US President Donald Trump saying that we did not have any troops wounded, we had already arranged, the US President has told Iran that he should come back, we Do not allow it to become a nuclear weapon, no matter what happens, Iran and the United States are appealing to other countries to keep peace. No word yet about what to peace from both sides.
Pakistan has decided to play an important role in view of the situation in the Middle East, Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to visit Iran, Saudi Arabia and the US in view of the tense situation in the Middle East. That Pakistan is ready to play a role for peace but cannot be part of any other war. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had given a policy statement two days ago in the Senate and the National Assembly, stating that Pakistan would no longer be part of any war, the Army Chief said. Pakistan understands that tension is not only in the interest of us but the entire region, we think this region cannot afford any more war. Pakistan has always been an endeavor and we have to resolve matters. Countries in the region will have to play a role together for peace and order.
Qasim Sulaimani, who was killed in US drone strikes in the past, also threatened Pakistan, last year when the tensions with Pakistan's India were heightened in February, Qasim Sulaimani threatened Pakistanis speaking Indian language. After the threat that Pakistan will infiltrate into Pakistan against terrorists, Pakistan has provided evidence of Iran's conspiracies against Pakistan, it is clear that Iran has relations with Pakistan, Pakistan wants good relations. But Iran has always seen enmity: Indian Navy's present service officer Things were about to come, what was the relationship with Iran all about it, it has become clear that terrorists like Azir Baloch were trained and sheltered in Iran, there are numerous examples of Iran's enmity with Pakistan. Like Pakistan, Iran did not digest it, Pakistan started the C-Pack project with China and they both started work on the Thani and Chahar Bihar project to hinder the development and prosperity of Pakistan. Keep chanting slogans but the truth can never be hidden, one day it will surely come out.
Saudi Arabia, the other major Islamic country and the spiritual center of the Muslim Ummah after Pakistan, has also appealed for peace in the region. Turkey's intervention in Libya and the inciting of military fire have been denounced by international documents and principles, making it a violation of UN Security Council resolutions regarding Libya. Turkey has intervened, opposing the Arab League's clear stance. The Saudi cabinet noted the ongoing turmoil and activities in Iraq, and noted that the international community has fulfilled its duty by taking necessary steps to ensure the peace and stability of the region. The cabinet, while highlighting the Saudi stand on the common struggle for peace and stability in the region, said that the joint effort to protect the region from the explosion is unavoidable. The situation, the terrorist activities and the tense situation is the result of further warming. At the beginning of the meeting, Khalid al-Herman al-Sharifin Shah Salman bin Abdul Aziz discussed the cabinet with the president of Niger and the president of Iraq on his telephonic contacts and the situation in the region. And aware of their results. He said Saudi Arabia strongly reaffirmed the state's position during telephonic communications that Saudi Arabia was, and will continue to be, anti-terrorist. The nations wanted, and will continue to want peace and stability.
The new front of Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen, Somalia and Djibouti, led by Saudi Arabia, has been established. It has been named the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. Addressing the Foreign Ministers of the coastal countries of the Atlantic and Gulf of Aden in Riyadh, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah has said, " We do not want the region to heat up. All parties must do everything we can to prevent the heat and to prevent further heat, we have to protect the law and order in the Gulf and Pacific, to the utmost degree to prevent any kind of heat in the Saudi Arabia region. Well, we have to keep a close eye on the dangers facing world peace beyond the law and order in our area.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Tehran will not be safe after targeting US interests in the region, Iran is damaging Afghan peace process General Assad's attack on General Qasim Sulaimani was the right decision. US-EU talks on Iran-Iraq situation were not due this week. Vice President Mike Pence says Qasim Sulaimani had carried out attacks on Saudi airports, Qasim Sulaimani was the murderer of tens of people in the region, Qasim Suleimani used to monitor missile attacks on various Saudi installations.
After the death of Qasim Sulaimani, Pakistan's decision to remain neutral and play a role for peace and prosperity is welcomed. Pakistan should have done so, Pakistan is a free and sovereign country, independent country would have its own policies. There is no dictation of anyone, Prime Minister Imran Khan has made a strong decision, like the decisions of the past which the nation is praising, why should Pakistan in the war of others? In the past, Pakistan has suffered a lot in this war. Similarly, Pakistan's reaction to the death of Qasim Sulaimani, the friend of Saudi Arabia, is in line with the requirements of the time. Both countries are victims of terrorism, where Pakistan is an enemy. There are terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia when they are targeting terrorism, there have been drone attacks on Saudi airports and US Secretary of State said that they were monitored by Suleimani, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood. Qureshi expressed concern that Houthi rebels could launch further attacks on Saudi Arabia, in which case Pakistan would have to resort to the past. We have to stand with Saudi Arabia, because defending Armen Hariman Sharif is a sacred duty, sacrificing every Pakistani soul for the defense of Harman Sharifin, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are both inseparable, both in the Islamic brotherhood. Relationships that are established cannot be eliminated by the foes of the enemy. Pakistan will stand firm with Saudi Arabia and if Saudi Arabia's security is at any risk, then the nuclear-based nuclear Pakistan, based on Kalima Tayyabah, will be protected by the Pakistani nation's aspirations for the protection of Hariman Sharif. Will be on the side of Arabia
Pakistan has decided to play an important role in view of the situation in the Middle East, Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to visit Iran, Saudi Arabia and the US in view of the tense situation in the Middle East. That Pakistan is ready to play a role for peace but cannot be part of any other war. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had given a policy statement two days ago in the Senate and the National Assembly, stating that Pakistan would no longer be part of any war, the Army Chief said. Pakistan understands that tension is not only in the interest of us but the entire region, we think this region cannot afford any more war. Pakistan has always been an endeavor and we have to resolve matters. Countries in the region will have to play a role together for peace and order.
Qasim Sulaimani, who was killed in US drone strikes in the past, also threatened Pakistan, last year when the tensions with Pakistan's India were heightened in February, Qasim Sulaimani threatened Pakistanis speaking Indian language. After the threat that Pakistan will infiltrate into Pakistan against terrorists, Pakistan has provided evidence of Iran's conspiracies against Pakistan, it is clear that Iran has relations with Pakistan, Pakistan wants good relations. But Iran has always seen enmity: Indian Navy's present service officer Things were about to come, what was the relationship with Iran all about it, it has become clear that terrorists like Azir Baloch were trained and sheltered in Iran, there are numerous examples of Iran's enmity with Pakistan. Like Pakistan, Iran did not digest it, Pakistan started the C-Pack project with China and they both started work on the Thani and Chahar Bihar project to hinder the development and prosperity of Pakistan. Keep chanting slogans but the truth can never be hidden, one day it will surely come out.
Saudi Arabia, the other major Islamic country and the spiritual center of the Muslim Ummah after Pakistan, has also appealed for peace in the region. Turkey's intervention in Libya and the inciting of military fire have been denounced by international documents and principles, making it a violation of UN Security Council resolutions regarding Libya. Turkey has intervened, opposing the Arab League's clear stance. The Saudi cabinet noted the ongoing turmoil and activities in Iraq, and noted that the international community has fulfilled its duty by taking necessary steps to ensure the peace and stability of the region. The cabinet, while highlighting the Saudi stand on the common struggle for peace and stability in the region, said that the joint effort to protect the region from the explosion is unavoidable. The situation, the terrorist activities and the tense situation is the result of further warming. At the beginning of the meeting, Khalid al-Herman al-Sharifin Shah Salman bin Abdul Aziz discussed the cabinet with the president of Niger and the president of Iraq on his telephonic contacts and the situation in the region. And aware of their results. He said Saudi Arabia strongly reaffirmed the state's position during telephonic communications that Saudi Arabia was, and will continue to be, anti-terrorist. The nations wanted, and will continue to want peace and stability.
The new front of Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen, Somalia and Djibouti, led by Saudi Arabia, has been established. It has been named the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. Addressing the Foreign Ministers of the coastal countries of the Atlantic and Gulf of Aden in Riyadh, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah has said, " We do not want the region to heat up. All parties must do everything we can to prevent the heat and to prevent further heat, we have to protect the law and order in the Gulf and Pacific, to the utmost degree to prevent any kind of heat in the Saudi Arabia region. Well, we have to keep a close eye on the dangers facing world peace beyond the law and order in our area.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Tehran will not be safe after targeting US interests in the region, Iran is damaging Afghan peace process General Assad's attack on General Qasim Sulaimani was the right decision. US-EU talks on Iran-Iraq situation were not due this week. Vice President Mike Pence says Qasim Sulaimani had carried out attacks on Saudi airports, Qasim Sulaimani was the murderer of tens of people in the region, Qasim Suleimani used to monitor missile attacks on various Saudi installations.
After the death of Qasim Sulaimani, Pakistan's decision to remain neutral and play a role for peace and prosperity is welcomed. Pakistan should have done so, Pakistan is a free and sovereign country, independent country would have its own policies. There is no dictation of anyone, Prime Minister Imran Khan has made a strong decision, like the decisions of the past which the nation is praising, why should Pakistan in the war of others? In the past, Pakistan has suffered a lot in this war. Similarly, Pakistan's reaction to the death of Qasim Sulaimani, the friend of Saudi Arabia, is in line with the requirements of the time. Both countries are victims of terrorism, where Pakistan is an enemy. There are terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia when they are targeting terrorism, there have been drone attacks on Saudi airports and US Secretary of State said that they were monitored by Suleimani, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood. Qureshi expressed concern that Houthi rebels could launch further attacks on Saudi Arabia, in which case Pakistan would have to resort to the past. We have to stand with Saudi Arabia, because defending Armen Hariman Sharif is a sacred duty, sacrificing every Pakistani soul for the defense of Harman Sharifin, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are both inseparable, both in the Islamic brotherhood. Relationships that are established cannot be eliminated by the foes of the enemy. Pakistan will stand firm with Saudi Arabia and if Saudi Arabia's security is at any risk, then the nuclear-based nuclear Pakistan, based on Kalima Tayyabah, will be protected by the Pakistani nation's aspirations for the protection of Hariman Sharif. Will be on the side of Arabia
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domain name. Your domain name is like the number plate at your door that lets
people know that this apartment is yours.
Now, it's time to choose the really cool domain name you
like. This is a brand that is created by your brand and the reason you want to
create it with your Bangin Blog.
Choose 2 hella backup domain names, just in case you're
not as real as you think, haha ! Joking … no, but seriously, back up.
Once you've started registering, you'll be able to see if
the domain name you want is available. ( But if you just can't wait and want to
know in advance, you can search for this domain name to see if it's available.
this These are easy to use websites.)
You can enter your domain name options in the Start a Blog
Checklist below. Then register your domain and select a hosting plan
pakmarkeet is the " host " for both the Lizzie
Melanie website and my freelancing and health blog website, Your Friendly
Public Health Pharmacist .
Think of your website's host as your own. The host allows
you to live in this apartment and provides support for your apartment ( website
) .
The host keeps your site and your files safe. ( Every
month pakmarkeetAfter performing a routine sweep of my website, I get a report
that shows I have a clean bill of health on my site.) pakmarkeet, Your landlord
automatically handles any technical maintenance. If you have any issues, you
can contact the SG customer service team to let them know that they can resolve
the problem.
pakmarkeet 's customer service is especially for people
like me who don't have the technical website skills. In addition, they are
I don't have to lift a finger to complicate anything
Make Money online by writing skills 2020
Last year, I turned my freelancing side into a fast-paced business - which allowed me to quit my full-time job as a pharmacist and work for myself.
And a year ago, I started a blog with the help of a professional blogger extraordinaire - which helps me pay some bills each month.
Having multiple revenue streams is the # goal ... Don't you agree? Especially when you don't have to go anywhere to work.
Sure, you need regular pay from a part-time or full-time gig, but how will you pay your bills if this is done? Wouldn't you feel more secure, empowered, and passionate about making money than anywhere else? Fortunately, the Internet offers great opportunities to make money online, and many of them are technical or complicated. Are not. That's right - you don't need a computer scientist or an IT guru to make money on the Internet (but if you are, you'll have more power)!
You can use basic skills like writing - a skill you started learning in kindergarten - to help you earn some extra cash.
I'm not in any way suggesting that being a good writer is easy, but it is definitely something that can be learned and improved. And once you're ready, you can use this skill to set up another income stream! Last year I started writing online (for money). Before that, I knew it was possible to make money online, but I didn't really know how and I certainly didn't know hard numbers.
I had no idea how profitable it could be. I started reading posts by successful authors like Elna Kane, and I soon saw the light.
After only 3 months of freelance writing, I made about $ 1,500. And to top it all off as a newborn, working full time, and spending most of my free time on my first blog. Less than 2 years later, I was able to leave my full-time gig and start writing full-time from home!
Not bad for a side bustle, right?
I thought it would be helpful to share various ways to make money online. In addition, I'll share a little more about the same resources I used for my $ 3,500 extra cash in my first 3 months of freelance writing. 1, 2 and 3. Become a Freelance ۔
Well, you didn't know it was coming. But seriously, freelancing is a broad term. It just means that you offer some skill-based service in exchange for money.
There are many skills you can freelance - graphic design, website development, makeup artistry ...
For word making purposes there are at least 3 skills you can do freely: writing, editing and proofreading.
Is writing
If you decide to become a freelance writer, you can master different forms of writing. For example, you might just want to write a blog or you might prefer a web copy (the words you see on the pages of websites). You can even master script writing for YouTubers.
At the top of the writing product formats you can create, many freelance writers also choose specific locations or titles to master.
Don't get me wrong ... you don't have to choose a specific location, but I find it helpful to have the skills so that you can develop advanced skills (and get paid) while you write more experience on it. the topic.
For example, I specialize in health and medical writing, but even more specifically, I write primarily for pharmacies and digital health companies.
If you're good at words, freelance writing is a great way to bring some extra cash, but if I said you had to write, I'd be lying. There are a lot of efforts that go into finding freelance writing jobs, landing them, and making a good chunk of change. Before I started officially writing freelance, I wanted to invest in a course Decided to teach me how to navigate the Internet and use the outdoors and make the most of my freelance writing success.
Course - Write your first K-1K course - Elena Kane, a full-time stay-at-home mom with a couple who lives by online freelance writing! (I thought if he could do that with this busy home life, I certainly can!)
I warn of your success with Elena's curriculum, so I recommend you watch it. You can find out more about whether this will help you. Is appropriate.
If you have any questions about the freelance writing or Write 1K course, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email. I'm happy to talk more about my experience!
Like the idea of making money with words, but not interested in writing from the beginning? You will definitely want to free up your editing skills
WARNING: Do not over-proof parading by editing. They are not the same thing. I know - why is life so difficult?
Writing proofs is about words and sentence levels - spelling, grammar, sentences, and word accuracy. Before this is the final review before a piece of content is ready for its intended audience.
Remember when you were in school and your teachers always told you to proofread before entering your work? This is less proofreading proofreading, but still very important.
If your friends always ask you to check out your work or if you are really good at finding errors quickly in writing, becoming a freelance proof reader can be on your way.
In addition, the market for proof readers is definitely ripe. Just think of how many people and organizations are creating information online. If they want people like you and me to trust them, they need information that is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
You can be proof of helping them put their best face forward!
Caitlin Pyle is an amazing and super successful proof reader who has grown her independent business from scratch. After his breakthrough, he created an online course called Proof Online, where he teaches people like you how to make live proof readings from anywhere in the world. To see if proofreading might be right for you, Write to pay for websites / magazines.
This next option certainly resembles freelance writing. I'm adding them to a separate list because you don't necessarily have to build relationships with these companies so you can keep your writing straight to them.
Here is a list of several websites that pay for articles.
Lustrous - Make a list of the very best Top 10… Anything… Get $ 100 in return.
Penny Howard - Get paid for a 700-900 word article on budget / money and similar topics.
Make a living - You can get paid to write.
Freelance Mum - Contribute to your case study or mother story about freelance parenting.
Irrelevant - Your 500-word story can be exactly what an apprentice is looking for - manage social media accounts.
On a smaller scale, you can combine your love for your language with your social media savvy to make money!
As a millennial, I think it's safe to say that we dominate the social media world a lot.
Certainly, General X-ers and Boomers have penetrated and General Z-ers are here, but are still in power thousands of years ago. Social media is not always so easy for older people. Z. Myers is still young enough that most of them are still not making money from their social media skills.
This means that the world of social media is ours. At least for now. And because many companies somehow have access to (or desperately needed) social media, that means the opportunity is right for you! There is tremendous value in helping companies maximize their impact through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more (which means you can be paid a great price)!
Bonus: If you can learn from paid social media traffic (learn: Facebook ads, IG sponsored posts, etc.) and get really good getaways, you can really do a good extra check.
Now, I've mentioned slogans twice for shoppers of my must-have mail letter, but this is one of the most fun ways to use your words and writing to make money online.
When a company needs a slogan or tagline, they sometimes decide to make fun of the slogan or tagline! Then they will select the winner from all the options that people submit.
You all know what the company wants in a slogan, activate your creative mind, and put your unique ideas into the competition. If the company chooses your slogan, you win a prize money!
Penny Howard compiled a list of sites where you can wear your creative hat and shoot your slogan.
7. Start a blog.
Ever thought about starting a blog? How about making money from someone?
Why "starting a blog" here is different from the previous 4 options I mentioned.
If you want to start making money online next week, freelance writing / editing / proofreading, writing for websites, social media, and even slogans can be a good bet.
Blogging though ... Blogging is a long game. Yes, blogging money is possible, but it is not quick and it is not easy.
That's why I chose to invest in a comprehensive course to teach blogging programs and outreach as a business before making a deep end!
And a year ago, I started a blog with the help of a professional blogger extraordinaire - which helps me pay some bills each month.
Having multiple revenue streams is the # goal ... Don't you agree? Especially when you don't have to go anywhere to work.
Sure, you need regular pay from a part-time or full-time gig, but how will you pay your bills if this is done? Wouldn't you feel more secure, empowered, and passionate about making money than anywhere else? Fortunately, the Internet offers great opportunities to make money online, and many of them are technical or complicated. Are not. That's right - you don't need a computer scientist or an IT guru to make money on the Internet (but if you are, you'll have more power)!
You can use basic skills like writing - a skill you started learning in kindergarten - to help you earn some extra cash.
I'm not in any way suggesting that being a good writer is easy, but it is definitely something that can be learned and improved. And once you're ready, you can use this skill to set up another income stream! Last year I started writing online (for money). Before that, I knew it was possible to make money online, but I didn't really know how and I certainly didn't know hard numbers.
I had no idea how profitable it could be. I started reading posts by successful authors like Elna Kane, and I soon saw the light.
After only 3 months of freelance writing, I made about $ 1,500. And to top it all off as a newborn, working full time, and spending most of my free time on my first blog. Less than 2 years later, I was able to leave my full-time gig and start writing full-time from home!
Not bad for a side bustle, right?
I thought it would be helpful to share various ways to make money online. In addition, I'll share a little more about the same resources I used for my $ 3,500 extra cash in my first 3 months of freelance writing. 1, 2 and 3. Become a Freelance ۔
Well, you didn't know it was coming. But seriously, freelancing is a broad term. It just means that you offer some skill-based service in exchange for money.
There are many skills you can freelance - graphic design, website development, makeup artistry ...
For word making purposes there are at least 3 skills you can do freely: writing, editing and proofreading.
Is writing
If you decide to become a freelance writer, you can master different forms of writing. For example, you might just want to write a blog or you might prefer a web copy (the words you see on the pages of websites). You can even master script writing for YouTubers.
At the top of the writing product formats you can create, many freelance writers also choose specific locations or titles to master.
Don't get me wrong ... you don't have to choose a specific location, but I find it helpful to have the skills so that you can develop advanced skills (and get paid) while you write more experience on it. the topic.
For example, I specialize in health and medical writing, but even more specifically, I write primarily for pharmacies and digital health companies.
If you're good at words, freelance writing is a great way to bring some extra cash, but if I said you had to write, I'd be lying. There are a lot of efforts that go into finding freelance writing jobs, landing them, and making a good chunk of change. Before I started officially writing freelance, I wanted to invest in a course Decided to teach me how to navigate the Internet and use the outdoors and make the most of my freelance writing success.
Course - Write your first K-1K course - Elena Kane, a full-time stay-at-home mom with a couple who lives by online freelance writing! (I thought if he could do that with this busy home life, I certainly can!)
I warn of your success with Elena's curriculum, so I recommend you watch it. You can find out more about whether this will help you. Is appropriate.
If you have any questions about the freelance writing or Write 1K course, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email. I'm happy to talk more about my experience!
Like the idea of making money with words, but not interested in writing from the beginning? You will definitely want to free up your editing skills
WARNING: Do not over-proof parading by editing. They are not the same thing. I know - why is life so difficult?
Writing proofs is about words and sentence levels - spelling, grammar, sentences, and word accuracy. Before this is the final review before a piece of content is ready for its intended audience.
Remember when you were in school and your teachers always told you to proofread before entering your work? This is less proofreading proofreading, but still very important.
If your friends always ask you to check out your work or if you are really good at finding errors quickly in writing, becoming a freelance proof reader can be on your way.
In addition, the market for proof readers is definitely ripe. Just think of how many people and organizations are creating information online. If they want people like you and me to trust them, they need information that is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
You can be proof of helping them put their best face forward!
Caitlin Pyle is an amazing and super successful proof reader who has grown her independent business from scratch. After his breakthrough, he created an online course called Proof Online, where he teaches people like you how to make live proof readings from anywhere in the world. To see if proofreading might be right for you, Write to pay for websites / magazines.
This next option certainly resembles freelance writing. I'm adding them to a separate list because you don't necessarily have to build relationships with these companies so you can keep your writing straight to them.
Here is a list of several websites that pay for articles.
Lustrous - Make a list of the very best Top 10… Anything… Get $ 100 in return.
Penny Howard - Get paid for a 700-900 word article on budget / money and similar topics.
Make a living - You can get paid to write.
Freelance Mum - Contribute to your case study or mother story about freelance parenting.
Irrelevant - Your 500-word story can be exactly what an apprentice is looking for - manage social media accounts.
On a smaller scale, you can combine your love for your language with your social media savvy to make money!
As a millennial, I think it's safe to say that we dominate the social media world a lot.
Certainly, General X-ers and Boomers have penetrated and General Z-ers are here, but are still in power thousands of years ago. Social media is not always so easy for older people. Z. Myers is still young enough that most of them are still not making money from their social media skills.
This means that the world of social media is ours. At least for now. And because many companies somehow have access to (or desperately needed) social media, that means the opportunity is right for you! There is tremendous value in helping companies maximize their impact through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more (which means you can be paid a great price)!
Bonus: If you can learn from paid social media traffic (learn: Facebook ads, IG sponsored posts, etc.) and get really good getaways, you can really do a good extra check.
Now, I've mentioned slogans twice for shoppers of my must-have mail letter, but this is one of the most fun ways to use your words and writing to make money online.
When a company needs a slogan or tagline, they sometimes decide to make fun of the slogan or tagline! Then they will select the winner from all the options that people submit.
You all know what the company wants in a slogan, activate your creative mind, and put your unique ideas into the competition. If the company chooses your slogan, you win a prize money!
Penny Howard compiled a list of sites where you can wear your creative hat and shoot your slogan.
7. Start a blog.
Ever thought about starting a blog? How about making money from someone?
Why "starting a blog" here is different from the previous 4 options I mentioned.
If you want to start making money online next week, freelance writing / editing / proofreading, writing for websites, social media, and even slogans can be a good bet.
Blogging though ... Blogging is a long game. Yes, blogging money is possible, but it is not quick and it is not easy.
That's why I chose to invest in a comprehensive course to teach blogging programs and outreach as a business before making a deep end!
Earn Money Through Social Media sites 2020
f social media sites belonged to you, what would they be?
Facebook may be your "cool aunt" who likes to hang out with young people, still dresses nicely, but sometimes just tries too hard. She is 45 years old in the club.
Lil Snap Chat will definitely be your little cousin who knows all the latest radio songs and dances around the house 95% of the time.
Instagram? The older sister of Snapchat, who always tells her she secretly dropped out of college to become an IG model. His mother does not know.
LinkedIn is the mom you see only once a year. He always has a work bag, walks around the house dressed up, rarely smiles, and the DE finalist can't take your family's jokes. She is ashamed of all people.
… Or is he?
Maybe LinkedIn is just misunderstood…? Facebook, Snap, and IGs are fun to hang out with (and generally enjoy) with friends (and Frannies). In many cases, these platforms can also be great marketing tools for your business.
But if you're really trying to consolidate your life and do something with your career, you have to leave gold on LinkedIn.
I will say this once again to previous people: Why do you stay active on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn gets a bad rap as a tough, boring social networking site.
Only 1 of these 4 bold words is true.
First of all, LinkedIn is not a social networking site. This is a professional networking site.
So if you're going with expectations that this is just "Facebook for Work" then you're on the wrong track.
Once you realize that LinkedIn is aimed at professional networking rather than social networking, you will realize that it is not hard and boring.
It just doesn't serve the same purpose as your social networking platforms. So give Uncle LinkedIn a break.
Millennials account for 38% of all LinkedIn users, and most of them use the platform for 3 reasons.
1. Job development
2. High pay - Ding, Ding, Ding!
3. More difficult work - If your career is not moving the way you want it to and you are not expecting as much money, LinkedIn can help you solve your problem.
LinkedIn has played an important role in 3 out of my 5 paid games over the past 5 years (!!!), so I'm a huge supporter of the platform (if you haven't already).
In this post, you will learn about the many ways that LinkedIn can help you maximize your revenue. Plus you can get step-by-step guides on setting up and optimizing your LinkedIn profile so you can earn more $$$. How can LinkedIn help you make more money?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that if you have a job, the money you can get into your home will probably come from the same job.
Groundwater - I know
And get this: If you can make the most out of your job, you can make more money at home.
Great. The bombs are really dropping here, Meg.
Now that we have the Captain Clear stuff out, here's the thing:
As a professional networking site, part of LinkedIn's mission is to help you advance your career. Think of the name: LinkedIn… The whole premise of LinkedIn is to "connect" you with other professionals.
linkedIn helps you build and grow your professional network, rather than a social network.
For some reason, online professional networking can be far more useful than personal networking.
Look and be noted ... without being seen or noted.
Interviewers like LinkedIn have a dream because you don't really need to see anyone or take notice of it. At least not personally.
Once you improve your profile (which I show you what to do at the bottom of this post) and start interacting, the right eyes will land on your profile.
For example, these online contacts will eventually turn into genuine, meaningful relationships, but through a much less annoying and intimidating process.
You can be one of many "right places" in many places. Even if you are not an intern, finding the time to expand your professional network can be controversial.
With LinkedIn, not so much. Regardless of what you are doing in your personal life - children, spouses, odd or long-term jobs, time-consuming parts - you can find a little time to stay active on LinkedIn.
The more you present yourself on the platform by sharing content and engaging in discussions, the more likely you are to get in the way!
You want to promote, eliminate, and promote your business. Can work Just like Blue Magic and Pepsi are brands (name a movie to anyone?), You are a brand. Your professional brand is the personality that you present to potential employers, clients and consumers. How they perceive you in the work context.
Quite frankly, if your professional brand is useless or non-existent, you might find yourself a very big barber.
The dangerous effects of not exercising by knowing that you will lose consciousness
The dangerous effects of not exercising have come to fruition, knowing that you will lose consciousness. Exercise and staying physically active are very important for good health, but today's electronic world has stopped children from exercising as well as adults. But distance from exercise can be extremely dangerous to human health, a new World Health Organization study has warned. According to new World Health Organization research, four out of every five children around the world do not engage in any type of physical activity that could be detrimental to their health.
The study also found that girls need more exercise than boys.
The UN agency in its report emphasized that urgent steps need to be taken to remove young people from screens and enhance their physical activity.
The report's co-author Leanne Riley told reporters that we need to take immediate action or we will see a dark future for these young people.
The report collected data from 166 students between the ages of 11 and 17, from 2001 to 2006, from 146 countries.
In fact it was revealed that 81% of those students were those who did not exercise for one hour a day or do any kind of physical activity. Experts say that not exercising and living an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to various diseases like heart disease, stroke, body aches and obesity, and these diseases increase the risk of premature death in humans. According to the report, exercising at least one hour a day is essential for mental and physical fitness.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Benevolent Fund Form Punjab 2020 pdf download
Benevolent Fund Form Punjab 2020 pdf download. The Benevolent Fund of the Government of Punjab offers scholarships for children of retired or retired workers. A scholarship will be awarded to those children who have passed a high school diploma or a higher exam with a minimum score of 60% and have enrolled in higher classes.
Eligibility criteria for government employees of the Punjab Goodness Fund
The scholarship is awarded to a maximum of two children who have passed a high school diploma or more by 60% as a minimum exam and are taught in the next semester. However, if there is a third child studying at a recognized special education institute, the application can be made for the third child.
Scholarship for three deceased or retired children, depending on government employees with disabilities.
Children of deceased government employees are eligible for a first grade scholarship to primary grades
The Punjab Scholarship application process is a charity grant from the public servant
All government employees must submit the application form prescribed by the President of the Institute. Applications must be sent to the corresponding office through the department head.
The following documents must be submitted with the application form
Copy of the CNIC / B-Student form. Copies of CNIC for parents. A copy of the 2019 computerized payment receipt of employees in service or a certified copy of the PPO pension book in the case of a retired employee. A copy of the board or university score card (scores downloaded from the Internet will not be accepted) with a minimum of 60% of the scores. The applicant must not have failed in any matter or been absent from any work.
The application form can be obtained from the Director of Charity Funds at the Al Falah Lahore Building, or DC / Chairman of the Social Welfare Fund Board. Application forms can also be downloaded from the website
Eligibility criteria for government employees of the Punjab Goodness Fund
The scholarship is awarded to a maximum of two children who have passed a high school diploma or more by 60% as a minimum exam and are taught in the next semester. However, if there is a third child studying at a recognized special education institute, the application can be made for the third child.
Scholarship for three deceased or retired children, depending on government employees with disabilities.
Children of deceased government employees are eligible for a first grade scholarship to primary grades
The Punjab Scholarship application process is a charity grant from the public servant
All government employees must submit the application form prescribed by the President of the Institute. Applications must be sent to the corresponding office through the department head.
The following documents must be submitted with the application form
Copy of the CNIC / B-Student form. Copies of CNIC for parents. A copy of the 2019 computerized payment receipt of employees in service or a certified copy of the PPO pension book in the case of a retired employee. A copy of the board or university score card (scores downloaded from the Internet will not be accepted) with a minimum of 60% of the scores. The applicant must not have failed in any matter or been absent from any work.
The application form can be obtained from the Director of Charity Funds at the Al Falah Lahore Building, or DC / Chairman of the Social Welfare Fund Board. Application forms can also be downloaded from the website
Thursday, January 9, 2020
District Wise Vacant Post of CTI in Various College list download online
The Punjab government is pleased to announce the jobs of trainees at the College (CTI) for the year 2019-2020. Candidates with a Bachelor's and Master's degree are invited to apply for a vacancy
District wise for CTI vacancy list from this page, where you can find the vacant CTI publication for 2020 session
The Punjab government announced job vacancies after realizing that there were not enough teachers in universities. Advertised vacancies for men and women. Candidates are advised to fulfill the requirements that reach their nearest university for vacancies on 08-01-2020.
Attock CTI Vacant post 2020
Bahawalnagar CTI Vacant post 2020
Bahawalpur CTI Vacant post 2020
Bhakkar CTI Vacant post 2020
Chakwal CTI Vacant post 2020
Chiniot CTI Vacant post 2020
Dera Ghazi Khan CTI Vacant post 2020
Faisalabad CTI Vacant post 2020
Gujranwala CTI Vacant post 2020
Gujrat CTI Vacant post 2020
Hafizabad CTI Vacant post 2020
Jhang CTI Vacant post 2020
Jhelum CTI Vacant post 2020
Kasur CTI Vacant post 2020
Khanewal CTI Vacant post 2020
Khushab CTI Vacant post 2020
Lahore CTI Vacant post 2020
Layyah CTI Vacant post 2020
Lodhran CTI Vacant post 2020
Mandi Bahauddin CTI Vacant post 2020
Mianwali CTI Vacant post 2020
Multan CTI Vacant post 2020
Muzaffargarh CTI Vacant post 2020
Narowal CTI Vacant post 2020
Nankana Sahib CTI Vacant post 2020
Okara CTI Vacant post 2020
Pakpattan CTI Vacant post 2020
Rahim Yar Khan CTI Vacant post 2020
Rajanpur CTI Vacant post 2020
Rawalpindi CTI Vacant post 2020
Sahiwal CTI Vacant post 2020
Sargodha CTI Vacant post 2020
Sheikhupura CTI Vacant post 2020
Sialkot CTI Vacant post 2020
Toba Tek Singh CTI Vacant post 2020
Vehari CTI Vacant post 2020
Eligibility criteria:
Vacant Name: University Interns (CTI)
Minimum age: No limit
Salary: Rs. 45000 per month / -
Duration: 01-16-2020 to 05-31-2020
For undergraduate universities:
MS / M. Phil. PhD
For all other universities:
MA / BSc (4 years) minimum of 2 in the relevant subject.
Brands section:
Grade 85 academic qualification
Qualification qualifications are higher than MA 05
Signs for office holders / University 05
Marks of the interview 05
Application procedures:
Candidates can view details of vacancies on the notice board of the nearest university.
Candidates will undergo the interview without appointment from 1 to 13-2020 at the selected universities.
Candidates will carry their CV and original documents with them.
The list of accredited candidates will be published on the university bulletin board on 01-14-2020.
Complaints in this regard will be accepted on 01-15-2020.
The list of selected candidates will be presented on 01-15-2020.
These positions are available for a limited time.
These positions do not confirm a permanent seat at the university.
However, CTI undergraduate trainees will receive a certificate.
Seat allocation:
To overcome the shortage of faculty members in Punjab colleges, the competent body decided to employ 400 of the 689 CTIs that will be employed during the second round, to meet the urgent needs of the colleges that appeared during the fiscal year 2019-20 and allocate them according to the following details:
240 of the CTI seats can be reserved from among the 400 universities of universities that the department offers or where the department plans to propose BS-4 programs for the next academic course.
50 of the CTI seats out of a total of 400 can be allocated to community colleges established by the Punjab Higher Education Commission upon request.
110 CTI seats from 400 can be allocated to those universities where there is a lack of faculty as evaluated by the department.
terms and conditions:
1. Placement period: an academic course or up to the usual date of the holder of the registration / contract, whichever occurs early. If a new vacancy arises, CTI resigns or is not ready to join, then the next candidate on the merit list will have the opportunity to work as a CTI officer within the time remaining requirements of the contract.
2. Leave two keel leaves per month.
3. TA / DA TA / DA not supported.
4. Duration of the contract The selection of the CTI is the temporary and provisional agreement, which the selection committee may terminate at any time due to unsatisfactory performance.
5. Transportation The subject of study will be private to the university.
6. Placement through false / false documents. If at any stage it is discovered that any CTI acquired this position on the basis of false / false documents or by deception by any means, the position will be considered null and void from the beginning. CTI will be responsible for paying all amounts received from the government as a result of its status, in addition to any other action that may be taken against it by law.
7. Loss recovery The CTI will be responsible for recovering any material loss to the employer.
8. Foundation period: CTI will have to adhere to duties within 7 days after issuance of the placement; otherwise, the offer will be withdrawn.
9. Without the normal placement right, the placement will not grant any regular placement right. This placement will not be regulated under any circumstances.
10. Certificate of Experience After successfully completing your mandate, a certificate of experience will be issued to CTI if the other criteria are met.
11. Form a union or association
uou can find District Wise Vacant Post of CTI in Various College list download online from here
District wise CTI Vacant Post Download Here
District wise for CTI vacancy list from this page, where you can find the vacant CTI publication for 2020 session
The Punjab government announced job vacancies after realizing that there were not enough teachers in universities. Advertised vacancies for men and women. Candidates are advised to fulfill the requirements that reach their nearest university for vacancies on 08-01-2020.
Attock CTI Vacant post 2020
Bahawalnagar CTI Vacant post 2020
Bahawalpur CTI Vacant post 2020
Bhakkar CTI Vacant post 2020
Chakwal CTI Vacant post 2020
Chiniot CTI Vacant post 2020
Dera Ghazi Khan CTI Vacant post 2020
Faisalabad CTI Vacant post 2020
Gujranwala CTI Vacant post 2020
Gujrat CTI Vacant post 2020
Hafizabad CTI Vacant post 2020
Jhang CTI Vacant post 2020
Jhelum CTI Vacant post 2020
Kasur CTI Vacant post 2020
Khanewal CTI Vacant post 2020
Khushab CTI Vacant post 2020
Lahore CTI Vacant post 2020
Layyah CTI Vacant post 2020
Lodhran CTI Vacant post 2020
Mandi Bahauddin CTI Vacant post 2020
Mianwali CTI Vacant post 2020
Multan CTI Vacant post 2020
Muzaffargarh CTI Vacant post 2020
Narowal CTI Vacant post 2020
Nankana Sahib CTI Vacant post 2020
Okara CTI Vacant post 2020
Pakpattan CTI Vacant post 2020
Rahim Yar Khan CTI Vacant post 2020
Rajanpur CTI Vacant post 2020
Rawalpindi CTI Vacant post 2020
Sahiwal CTI Vacant post 2020
Sargodha CTI Vacant post 2020
Sheikhupura CTI Vacant post 2020
Sialkot CTI Vacant post 2020
Toba Tek Singh CTI Vacant post 2020
Vehari CTI Vacant post 2020
Eligibility criteria:
Vacant Name: University Interns (CTI)
Minimum age: No limit
Salary: Rs. 45000 per month / -
Duration: 01-16-2020 to 05-31-2020
For undergraduate universities:
MS / M. Phil. PhD
For all other universities:
MA / BSc (4 years) minimum of 2 in the relevant subject.
Brands section:
Grade 85 academic qualification
Qualification qualifications are higher than MA 05
Signs for office holders / University 05
Marks of the interview 05
Application procedures:
Candidates can view details of vacancies on the notice board of the nearest university.
Candidates will undergo the interview without appointment from 1 to 13-2020 at the selected universities.
Candidates will carry their CV and original documents with them.
The list of accredited candidates will be published on the university bulletin board on 01-14-2020.
Complaints in this regard will be accepted on 01-15-2020.
The list of selected candidates will be presented on 01-15-2020.
These positions are available for a limited time.
These positions do not confirm a permanent seat at the university.
However, CTI undergraduate trainees will receive a certificate.
Seat allocation:
To overcome the shortage of faculty members in Punjab colleges, the competent body decided to employ 400 of the 689 CTIs that will be employed during the second round, to meet the urgent needs of the colleges that appeared during the fiscal year 2019-20 and allocate them according to the following details:
240 of the CTI seats can be reserved from among the 400 universities of universities that the department offers or where the department plans to propose BS-4 programs for the next academic course.
50 of the CTI seats out of a total of 400 can be allocated to community colleges established by the Punjab Higher Education Commission upon request.
110 CTI seats from 400 can be allocated to those universities where there is a lack of faculty as evaluated by the department.
terms and conditions:
1. Placement period: an academic course or up to the usual date of the holder of the registration / contract, whichever occurs early. If a new vacancy arises, CTI resigns or is not ready to join, then the next candidate on the merit list will have the opportunity to work as a CTI officer within the time remaining requirements of the contract.
2. Leave two keel leaves per month.
3. TA / DA TA / DA not supported.
4. Duration of the contract The selection of the CTI is the temporary and provisional agreement, which the selection committee may terminate at any time due to unsatisfactory performance.
5. Transportation The subject of study will be private to the university.
6. Placement through false / false documents. If at any stage it is discovered that any CTI acquired this position on the basis of false / false documents or by deception by any means, the position will be considered null and void from the beginning. CTI will be responsible for paying all amounts received from the government as a result of its status, in addition to any other action that may be taken against it by law.
7. Loss recovery The CTI will be responsible for recovering any material loss to the employer.
8. Foundation period: CTI will have to adhere to duties within 7 days after issuance of the placement; otherwise, the offer will be withdrawn.
9. Without the normal placement right, the placement will not grant any regular placement right. This placement will not be regulated under any circumstances.
10. Certificate of Experience After successfully completing your mandate, a certificate of experience will be issued to CTI if the other criteria are met.
11. Form a union or association
uou can find District Wise Vacant Post of CTI in Various College list download online from here
District wise CTI Vacant Post Download Here
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