Esteban Moctezuma Barragán , head of the Ministry of Public Education ( SEP ), informed that due to the national strike of women, called for next March 9, only women will be able to miss and there will be no suspension of classes in the public schools of the country.
This means that female teachers and administrative workers will be able to take the day in a form of protest against the wave of violence that has been seen in the country, and the men will have to comply with their work schedule.MEXICO NATIONAL STRIKE MARCH 9 FEMINISM PROTEST
Although the strike is a simulation of what would happen if each woman disappeared, the secretary specified that those women who work in the SEP and who plan to miss next March 9, had to notify their schools last Monday so they could establish a plan.
“ All men have to be working because the unemployment is supposed to be women, and those who want (protest), already warned on Monday. Then each school is doing its planning, ”Moctezuma Barragán explained to various media, after leaving the National Palace.
In responding if there is no official suspension then, Barragan said: "No, each school will adapt to its reality ."
In addition to this, he added that there is no estimate of how many workers and teachers of the federal agency will join the mobilization. This is because the information is being handled at the state level, so each entity has its own procedure.
The secretary also stated that the SEP received a petition document from the National Union of Education Workers ( SNTE ).
"The procedure is that once this is received, a National Negotiating Commission is installed and based on that, work groups are created by category, because the petition document always covers many items," he said.
He noted that the SEP will negotiate the specifications only with the union leadership, since they are the ones who take the note.
What will happen on March 9?
Given the wave of violence against women that for months has generated much controversy and recent cases that have shaken the country, such as femicide of Ingrid Escamilla or of Fatima , Mexican call visualize its importance not attending work or consuming services as a form of protest against the facts. MOCTEZUMA BARRAGÁN
“ Neither a woman in the streets, nor a woman in the schools, nor a woman in the works, ” so Mexicans summon a national strike to rebel against the femicides, gender violence and sexual harassment of which they are victims. Although March 8 is International Women's Day, the call is March 9, as it will be a business day.
Also, the strike also calls not to use public transport that day, not to load gasoline, and not buy or pay anything , to show that “ if women are worth nothing to Mexico, that Mexico runs out of what we produce and consume "
The demonstration aims to demonstrate, through the economy they move, how valuable women are for the country, "since they did not listen to our cries, nor our cries" they mention.
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